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Neskelbiama apklausa nuo 2023 m: kokie yra privalumai ir trūkumai?


Neskelbiama apklausa nuo 2023 m: What You Need to Know

Neskelbiama apklausa is a Lithuanian term that means "unannounced inquiry". It is a method of conducting low-value public procurement without announcing it publicly. It allows public authorities to contact selected suppliers directly and invite them to submit their offers for goods, services, or works. Neskelbiama apklausa is one of the most common and flexible ways of procuring in Lithuania.

However, neskelbiama apklausa is not a static or simple concept. It is subject to changes and developments that reflect the political, economic, and social situation in Lithuania. As a member of the European Union (EU), Lithuania has to comply with the EU rules and standards on public procurement. Moreover, as a democracy with a parliamentary system, Lithuania has to balance the interests and preferences of different political parties and actors.

neskelbiama apklausa nuo 2023 m

In this article, we will explore what neskelbiama apklausa is and how it works in Lithuania. We will also examine what are the main changes that will affect neskelbiama apklausa from 2023 onwards. Finally, we will discuss what are the challenges and opportunities for neskelbiama apklausa in the future. Whether you are a supplier, a public authority, or a citizen interested in public procurement, this article will provide you with useful information and insights on neskelbiama apklausa.

What is neskelbiama apklausa and how does it work?

Neskelbiama apklausa is a method of conducting low-value public procurement without announcing it publicly. It is regulated by the Law on Public Procurement (LPP) and by internal rules adopted by each contracting authority. Neskelbiama apklausa can be used for procuring goods or services whose estimated value does not exceed 15,000 EUR (excluding VAT), or works whose estimated value does not exceed 40,000 EUR (excluding VAT).

Neskelbiama apklausa works as follows: the contracting authority selects at least three suppliers that meet the qualification criteria and invites them to submit their offers within a specified deadline. The contracting authority evaluates the offers according to the award criteria and chooses the most economically advantageous offer. The contracting authority then signs a contract with the selected supplier for a maximum duration of one year.

Neskelbiama apklausa has several advantages over other methods of public procurement. First, it is more flexible and efficient, as it does not require publishing a notice or following a strict procedure. Second, it is more cost-effective, as it reduces the administrative burden and the transaction costs for both the contracting authority and the suppliers. Third, it is more responsive and adaptable, as it allows the contracting authority to procure goods, services, or works that meet its specific needs and circumstances.

What are the changes in neskelbiama apklausa from 2023?

Neskelbiama apklausa is not a static or simple concept. It is subject to changes and developments that reflect the political, economic, and social situation in Lithuania. As a member of the EU, Lithuania has to comply with the EU rules and standards on public procurement. Moreover, as a democracy with a parliamentary system, Lithuania has to balance the interests and preferences of different political parties and actors.

From 2023 onwards, neskelbiama apklausa will undergo some significant changes that will affect its scope and application. These changes are mainly due to three factors: the increase of the value threshold for neskelbiama apklausa, the introduction of a new electoral code, and the amendment of the constitution.

The first factor is the increase of the value threshold for neskelbiama apklausa from 10,000 to 15,000 EUR for goods or services, and from 20,000 to 40,000 EUR for works. This change was approved by the Parliament in 2022 and will take effect from 2023. The main reason for this change was to align the Lithuanian threshold with the EU threshold for low-value public procurement . The main impact of this change will be to expand the scope and use of neskelbiama apklausa for more public procurement contracts.

The second factor is the introduction of a new electoral code that will change the way parliamentary elections are held in Lithuania. The new electoral code was adopted by a referendum in 2022 and will apply from 2023. The main change is that half of the members of parliament will be elected by proportional representation and half by single-member constituencies . The main reason for this change was to increase the representation and accountability of political parties and candidates. The main impact of this change will be to alter the composition and dynamics of the parliament and its influence on public procurement policies.

neskelbiama apklausa žodžiu arba raštu

neskelbiama apklausa mažos vertės pirkimams

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neskelbiama apklausa tiekėjų skaičius

neskelbiama apklausa perkančiosios organizacijos tvarka

neskelbiama apklausa pirkimo sutarties viešinimas

neskelbiama apklausa minimalūs aplinkos apsaugos kriterijai

neskelbiama apklausa pirkimo paraiška, pažyma, žurnalas

neskelbiama apklausa pirkimo sutarties vertės riba

skelbiama apklausa CVP IS priemonėmis

skelbiama apklausa mažos vertės pirkimų organizavimas

skelbiama apklausa pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas

skelbiama apklausa gautų pasiūlymų įvertinimas

skelbiama apklausa laimėtojo sutarties paviešinimas

skelbiama apklausa visų norinčių tiekėjų dalyvavimas

skelbiama apklausa planuojamų atlikti pirkimų suvestinė

skelbiama apklausa pirkimo poreikio apklausimas

skelbiama apklausa viešųjų pirkimų principai ir konkurencija

skelbiama apklausa mažos vertės pirkimų suvestinės skelbimas

mažos vertės pirkimai viešieji pirkimai Mercell

mažos vertės pirkimai prekių, paslaugų ir darbų vertės ribos

mažos vertės pirkimai perkančiųjų organizacijų patvirtintos tvarkos

mažos vertės pirkimai smulkesniems tiekėjams ir kvietimo į pirkimą prašymas

mažos vertės pirkimai bendro CVP IS skelbimų srauto dalis

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mažos vertės pirkimai nuclear fusion reaction running at temperatures in excess of 100 millionC for 30 seconds

mažos vertės pirkimai Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) facility (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)

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perkančioji organizacija kreipiasi į pasirinktus tiekėjus neskelbiamos apklausos būdu

perkančioji organizacija apie atliekamą pirkimą skelbia CVP IS skelbiamos apklausos būdu

perkančioji organizacija sudaro rašytines sutartis neskelbiamos apklausos būdu iki 10 000 EUR vertės ribos

perkančioji organizacija sudaro žodines sutartis neskelbiamos apklausos būdu iki 3 000 EUR vertės ribos

perkančioji organizacija rengia pirkimo dokumentus skelbiamos apklausos būdu CVP IS priemonėmis

perkančioji organiz

(excluding VAT). The contracting authority has to select at least three suppliers that meet the qualification criteria and invite them to submit their offers within a specified deadline. The contracting authority has to evaluate the offers according to the award criteria and choose the most economically advantageous offer. The contracting authority has to sign a contract with the selected supplier for a maximum duration of one year.

  • What are the main changes in neskelbiama apklausa from 2023?

From 2023 onwards, neskelbiama apklausa will undergo some significant changes that will affect its scope and application. These changes are mainly due to three factors: the increase of the value threshold for neskelbiama apklausa from 10,000 to 15,000 EUR for goods or services, and from 20,000 to 40,000 EUR for works; the introduction of a new electoral code that will change the way parliamentary elections are held in Lithuania; and the amendment of the constitution that will limit the number of consecutive terms for the president and the prime minister.

  • What are the challenges and opportunities for neskelbiama apklausa in the future?

Neskelbiama apklausa is subject to challenges and opportunities that require constant monitoring and improvement. As a method of public procurement, neskelbiama apklausa has to ensure transparency, accountability, and competition. As a tool of public policy, neskelbiama apklausa has to promote innovation, sustainability, and social welfare. As a reflection of public values, neskelbiama apklausa has to adapt to changing needs and circumstances.


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